As a community of travelers and passionate about the different places and curiosities of the world, Intriper has been accompanying and supporting Cercle’s productions for 2 years, from the distribution of their content to help and participation in some productions. What is Cercle? It emerged in March 2015 in France, with a group of artists, producers and media professionals. It includes the live transmission of electronic music shows through social networks with the aim of achieving a great promotional impact for both artists and venues.

Its main objective is to show the world’s most outstanding cultural and natural heritage through electronic music shows with live DJs in exclusive venues. This allows a huge audience to enjoy the best artists in unique places.
With more than four years of production, they have already filmed presentations in places like the Palais Longchamp in Marseille (France), the ruin of a castle in the beautiful south of France (Fontaine de Vaucluse) , at Preikestolen (Norway), at the State Aviation Museum in Kiev (Ukraine) or even at the Reforma 180 heliport in Mexico City.
The planning of these interventions takes months of work in conjunction with destinations, national parks, cultural areas, tourism organizations and local communities. It seeks to generate the minimum possible impact and obviously the shows are adapted to the fragility of each site. In many cases the shows are without an audience, without external audio (everything goes through the console to streaming) and in other cases with an audience, they usually use headphones so as not to generate noise pollution, in fragile areas.
During the last days they arrived in Argentina to present a new edition of their cycle -which takes place every Monday in a different destination- at the Iguazú National Park.
From Intriper we participated in part of the pre-production of this event together with Cercle and then in the distribution of live content, achieving that the video reached more than 1.5 million views only on Facebook.

The assembly with the technical equipment and consoles for the creation of the sound was prepared on the catwalks of the Salto San Martín, one of the falls that make up the falls and that visitors can travel in the Iguazú National Park.